Family Therapy

image by Cory Ferguson
Family Therapy Vancouver

Bringing Families Together

Family Therapy is about discovering the unique challenges and strengths of each Family System and then using that awareness to build a more cohesive and connective home.

Think of the Benchmark Counselling Group as the architects of connection, helping you build more togetherness and harmony in your homes. We’ll work together with your family to navigate the unique challenges and celebrate the hidden strengths of each family system.

Our families shape us in more ways than we can imagine—teaching us vocabulary (both the good and the questionable), passing down those oh-so-interesting habits, and instilling customs and rituals that make us who we are and how we view and observe the world around us.Together we can transform your family story into a tale of growth.

We learn how to love and how to interact with others from these first important relationships.

In a perfect world, we’d all be lucky enough to be born into a healthy family and handed a guidebook on maintaining happy and healthy relationships. However, this is not everyone’s story, and some of us find ourselves in families with dysfunction that struggle to connect —which ultimately affects how we connect with others.

Family therapy provides families with the tools to develop and maintain a healthy, functional family unit. It's like hitting the reset button on the family console, allowing everyone to upgrade their relationship skills and unleash their inner harmony masters.


“If we carry intergenerational trauma (and we do), then we also carry intergenerational wisdom. It’s in our genes and in our DNA.”
— Kazu Haga

Beyond Behaviour: Support Youth with Compassion

Too often we fail to consider our youth’s individual differences — their unique strengths and challenges. And most approaches to challenging behaviours fail to examine those challenges in the context of our youths' unique social and emotional development. As a result, many approaches fall short because they simply lack a clear guiding principle.

In this talk, Master Therapeutic Counsellor and Clinical Director Craig Wanless illuminates a new context towards understanding youth behavioural challenges, and offers a bridge towards more authentic connection.

Book Your Consultation Today

First 15-minute consultation is free.